What are free
Free radicals are by-products of metabolism in the human body. With
aging, changing of environments, cigarette smoking, pollution, radiations from
computers or TV. depression, the human body produces excess free radicals that
are more than the body can handle. The excess free radicals deteriorate or
damage cell functions of biomacromolecules in some substances such as proteins,
and unsaturated fatty acids, consequently, they will accelerate aging and cause
do tea polyphenols clean free radicals?
As the essence of tea, tea
polyphenols is the general name for phenolic substances and their derivatives
in fresh tea leaves, and it is the most soluble element in fresh leaves (usual
content « above 15%. the highest is 40%). The first step of processing green
tea—deactivation—deactivates the enzymes in the fresh leaves, to prevent the
oxidation of polyphenolic enzymes. Therefore the tea plyphenols content in
green tea is higher than that of other tea varieties.Here is the website to buy tea and tea sets:http://www.umiteasets.com/
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