Sunday, September 2, 2012

Brewing Long Jing Tea in Covered Bowls Pre-brewing Preparations

Tea ware: Electric instant kettles, covered bowls, tea holder, tea-towels, tea spoon, water container, etc.
Water: Boil the right amount of water in an electric instant kettle.
Cool the hot water to 80°C, ready for use.
Tea Leaves: Add Long Jing tea into the tea holder.
1.     The bowls should be kept a little slanted and the covers a little open while brewing high-quality green tea so as not to over brew the tea leaves.
2.     To brew scented Long Jing tea, mix a few dried chrysanthemum flowers.
3.     Long Jing tea is generally brewed using the "middle brewing" method.
Making Chrysanthemum Long Jing tea.
Mix Long Jing tea and a few dried Imperial White Chrysanthemum Floral Tea in a covered bowl.
Steep in 80°C hot water. Drink after the leaves blossom after absorption of water.
1.     Prepare tea ware: Keep the tea ware ready for brewing.
2.     Warm tea ware: Pour a little hot water into covered bowl.
3.     Drain water: Drain the used water into the water container and warm the cover with it.
4.     Add tea leaves: Carefully spoon dried Long Jlng tea leaves into the covered bowl.
5.     Moisturize tea leaves: Pour a little hot water into the covered bowl to moisturize the tea leaves.
6.     Pour water: pour hot water into the covered bowl to 70% full.
7.     Soak the leaves: Brew the tea keeping the cover slightly open for around 1 minute.
8.     Appreciation: Savor the tea after the leaves absorb water.

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